Asasi , Diploma or Matrikulasi ?
Assalamualaikum , :D senyum sikit baca blog ni hehe
Okay , after quite a while I'm in MIA mood . So now I'm up for new story . But this time I prefer to write about choices that need to be choose by juniors ( ex - SPM candidates ) *senyum sat*
Bismillahirahmanirahim .
okay see the title ? Asasi ,Diploma or Sijil .
congrats to people that choose foundation to pursue their study . But first you need to get 6 A's ++in SPM to enroll in any foundation , and of course all must be credits . :D there are few local universities that offer this program .
Universiti Malaya (UM)
M0010 asasi sains hayat
M0020 asasi sains fizikal
M0300 asasi alam bina
M0700 asasi pendidikan islam
M0701 asasi syariah
M0702 asasi usuluddin
M0709 asasi pengajian islam dengan sains
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
P0050 asasi sains pertanian
Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM)
Y0600 asasi undang2
Y0200 asasi ekonomi & sains pengurusan
Y0140 asasi sains kemanusiaan
Y0150 asasi bahasa inggeris
Y0707 asasi ilmu pengetahuan berteraskan wahyu & warisan islam
Y0151 asasi bahasa arab
Y0400 asasi kejuruteraan dan sains komputer
Y0080 asasi perubatan
Y0300 asasi seni bina dan reka bentuk alam sekitar
Y0010 asasi sains hayat
Y0020 asasi sains fizikal
Y0060 asasi farmasi
Y0070 asasi pergigian
Y0030 asasi sains kesihatan bersekutu
Y0031 asasi kejururawatan
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
E0601 asasi undang2
E0150 asasi TESL
E0001 asasi sains
E0400 asasi kejuruteraan
E0600 asasi undang2
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
Q0601 tamhidi syariah & undang2
Q0800 tamhidi sains dan teknologi
Q0210 tamhidi perakaunan dan muamalat
Q0080 tamhidi perubatan
Q0070 tamhidi pergigian
Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM)
Z0440 asasi kejuruteraan & pertahanan
Z0880 asasi sains & teknologi pertahanan
Z0220 asasi pengurusan & sumber pertahanan
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
P0050 asasi sains pertanian
Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM)
Y0600 asasi undang2
Y0200 asasi ekonomi & sains pengurusan
Y0140 asasi sains kemanusiaan
Y0150 asasi bahasa inggeris
Y0707 asasi ilmu pengetahuan berteraskan wahyu & warisan islam
Y0151 asasi bahasa arab
Y0400 asasi kejuruteraan dan sains komputer
Y0080 asasi perubatan
Y0300 asasi seni bina dan reka bentuk alam sekitar
Y0010 asasi sains hayat
Y0020 asasi sains fizikal
Y0060 asasi farmasi
Y0070 asasi pergigian
Y0030 asasi sains kesihatan bersekutu
Y0031 asasi kejururawatan
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
E0601 asasi undang2
E0150 asasi TESL
E0001 asasi sains
E0400 asasi kejuruteraan
E0600 asasi undang2
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
Q0601 tamhidi syariah & undang2
Q0800 tamhidi sains dan teknologi
Q0210 tamhidi perakaunan dan muamalat
Q0080 tamhidi perubatan
Q0070 tamhidi pergigian
Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM)
Z0440 asasi kejuruteraan & pertahanan
Z0880 asasi sains & teknologi pertahanan
Z0220 asasi pengurusan & sumber pertahanan
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
W0010 program asasi sains hayat
W0020 program asasi sains fizikal
W0020 program asasi sains fizikal
okay , so as we know and see the program that being offered . I bet you guys wondering how these students study . To make it easier , foundation is ASASI = ( SPM )^2 . haaa that's the equation . :) It took 2 semester ( 1 year ) to finish the foundation . You'll learn most of the spm subjects also additional chapter in math ( maths+add maths ) , physics , biology , chemistry , pendidikan Islam , and english . You're also need to involve in co-curricular activities .
- short period study ( less than a year )
- easy to further study in any university
- exposed to University life
- got KTPM loan ( no need to pay back once you finished study )
- short period ( many exams , tests , quizzes and assignment in a semester )
- full time study ( too many pressure , except for anyone that is used to it , it is okay )
- no body gonna help you unless yourself
- it is hard to have a close relationship with your lecturers
till next day . see ya :) Assalamualaikum