Asasi , Diploma atau Matrikulasi ?

Assalamualaikum again :D ,
okay let us continue where we left off ,


Congratulations to all student that qualified to enroll diploma program . The qualification that you need to have is at least credits in most subjects ( based on your program ) . All local and private universities offered this program .

Okay , since you guys can find the link by yourself . I tell you a bit about how diploma students survive . hehe *gaya nak gi perang je*

Most student were given loan ( MARA or PTPTN ) so there is no need to worry about money . Most of the student stay in a house ( rent it / stay with your parent ) and least stay in the hostel . This is because students prefer to stay out than inside - much easier to outing , can eat anything you want , just cook and you can stay with your bff in a comfy room .

The period of studying is 6 semester ( 3 years + + - based on your program ) . It's relaxing and less pressure but beware . Play too much could crush your marks . This type of study is suitable for people like to play it safe . Well you can also improve better if you study smart and hard enough .

anyway , that's all for today . May you guys got benefits from my writings . hehe . Salam .

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