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A Review : Breathe by Beni Rusani

Assalamualaikum to all ! So.., I promised myself to do a book review (any topics) after I finished the whole book. This will be my one year target to be done.  Since I've been shopping a lot of books during IBFKL last May, here is one of the book that I bought!  Dr Beni Rusani is a cardiologist at the National Heart Institute, I have been following him since twitter (I quit twitter already), this is his single piece of writing (he also writes along with other doctors) and all I can say, BRAVO! This is the first Malaysian medical english literature and it was awesome!  I am a sucker for good story line and catchy dialogues, I read a lot of books and I know when I met a good one :)  Synopsis: The story is about Dr Adam, a doctor who works in NHI and he is going back and forth between his past and presents during a heart attack. Ironic, a cardiologist with a heart issue, haha, anyways, like most people, Adam have regrets and he kept being dragg...

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